Koppers Performance Chemicals
Koppers Performance Chemicals
Associate Member Pressure-treated Lumber or Wood Preservation
Koppers Performance Chemicals is a world leader in the development of innovative chemical formulations used to protect and enhance the performance and durability of wood.
Koppers products are an important part of our infrastructure, including telecommunications, power and energy, bridges, railroads, and roadways. In addition, treated wood used in residential building, agriculture, and industrial uses continues to be an ideal and essential material for durable and sustainable construction.
The benefits of wood as a renewable building product are well known. Besides being widely available and easy to work with, it is a good value. Wood also emits far less carbon dioxide than other building products and it is an effective resource for carbon sequestration.
Because wood is a natural product, it can be susceptible to natural enemies, including microorganisms such as mold and decay fungi, insect attack, ultraviolet weathering, and fire.
Koppers Performance Chemicals develops various wood protection and enhancement products to combat the negative impact of these challenges.
With numerous active and pending patents for wood preservation issued globally, Koppers continues to lead the industry in innovation and technologically advanced research in applications for wood chemistries.
By creating safe and environmentally responsible solutions, Koppers meets the important challenges of providing products with superior performance, durability, and value.
Membership Type
Associate Member